August 05, 2014

2014 Flagship Killer Android Phone

OnePlus One, which is advertised as 2014 Flagship Killer Android Phone. The phone comes with the high-end specs and low-end price. For a 16GB white version, the price is only listed as USD 299.99. However, the phone is not available for public sale. It requires an invitation to purchase. Many people really hate the invite system which is really annoying.

By digging around for a while, including the official OnePlus forum and many other fans website, I packed a set of tips which may be useful to get an invitation code in a short time without too much efforts.

1. Try some social media sites
OnePlus company utilized the social media sites to promote its product. From time to time, they will post some invitation gateways on those social media sites. It would be a good opportunity if you can get into those gateways. In addition, Google+ in fact is a wonderful place to look for invitations. There are some fans community available, such as:

One good thing about Google+ is that it does not have many active users compared with others (e.g., Facebook and Twitter). In addition, the active Google+ users are more IT geeks LOL they turned out to be more willing to try and share some new tech products.

2. Try the Chinese websites
The phone is currently without invite in China.

3. Try ebay or Cragilist
Someone is selling the invitation codes for around $30.

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