April 13, 2017

富士康爆料?这是工程验证测试版iPhone 8?

自从十年前初代 iPhone 出现以来,iPhone 经过了多年的发展,一直都保持着自己的设计特征与风格,但是从传闻来看,今年的 iPhone 8 将会拥有全新的设计,它将会拥有更大的屏占比和新一代的 5.8 英寸 OLED 屏。
虽然我们经常从各种各样的传闻中,猜测过很多次 iPhone 8 的外观,但是直到苹果正式宣布推出该设备之前,我们依然还是无法 100% 预测到 iPhone 8 的外观是怎么样的。不过根据疑似从鸿海富士康流传出来的最新泄露图,或许 iPhone 8 会长这样?
这是一张据说是 iPhone 8 的技术图纸,从前面来看,iPhone 8 与 LG G6 有一点像,新 iPhone 的尺寸分别是 149 x 72.5 x 8.6 mm (EVT 03 版)和 158.13×77.8 ×7.1 mm (602 量产版)。当然,这个所谓的 iPhone 8 技术图纸中最有趣的地方就是,指纹识别器被转移到了后面和采用垂直的双摄像头,这两个细节对于 iPhone 来说,是不寻常的。
不过考虑到最近屏幕整合 Touch ID 是个难题这个传闻,将指纹识别器转移到后面其实也是一种保证产量的方法,所以说,这样的设计其实也是有它的道理的,虽然一些分析师认为这种解决方案的用户体验并不好,或者说至少它不是最好的解决方案。
值得注意的是,这种所谓的技术图纸上的展现的 iPhone 8 其实只是工程验证测试((EVT,Engineering Validation Test)阶段的 iPhone 8 ,也就是说,它肯定不是 iPhone 8 的最终设计,而且从苹果对于设计方面的追求来看,这样的 iPhone 永远都不可能上市。
根据最新的传闻,iPhone 8 很可能会在 8 月份发布,但是它的上市时间会延后。


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March 31, 2017

AdSense issue: changing country associated with the account

A few months ago, I moved from USA to Canada. My YouTube channel is currently monetized by my US AdSense account. After searching for a while online, I noticed that I should change my AdSense account to be in Canada, according to the link here (https://support.google.com/adsense/answer/2628816?hl=en)

The process seems to be complicated, as there is no direct and simply way to just "update" the country in your Google Adsense account to Canada. There are a few steps that need to follow, including:
  1. cancel and close the existing Google AdSense account that was created in USA
  2. reapply another Google AdSense account using the address information in Canada
  3. wait for a few days to get approved
  4. change the settings of YouTube channel to associate with the new Google AdSense account
Today, I just cancelled my US AdSense account, and am waiting to see how the process works. I will update later once I get some news on this matter.

Really, Google could make this process much simpler by allowing the users to change the country info in an existing Google AdSense account.

[update 2017-03-24] Just got an email from Google AdSense team saying that my new application was not approved. It looks that the process is not very smooth. There are some issues that I need to address, including the email account, the info, and the YouTube/website URLs. Very disappointed.

March 25, 2017

TD Canada will issue two new credit cards in Summer 2017

I reported that Tangerine will make some significant changes to one of the (previously) best credit cards in Canada very soon. I decided to take some study and look for some alternatives. It seems that TD Canada is going to issue two new credit cards in the summer of 2017.

The benefits of the two cards are interesting, some of major points including:
  • A TD Cash Back VISA card. It has no annual fee, and earn 1% cash back on grocery, gas, and pre-authorized payments. Other than that, the cashback rate is 0.5% on all other purchases. It is also good to know that the card comes with purchase security and extended warranty insurance.
  • A TD Cash Back VISA Infinite card. It provides much better benefits than the previous card, but it charges an annual fee of $120. However, the fee could be waived if you have the TD all-inclusive account. One of the greatest benefits of the card is that it earns 3% cashback on grocery, gas, and pre-authorized payments. Other than that, the cashback rate is 1%. For those new users, the cashback rate is 6% in the fist three months. Terrific!
I am planning to apply for the VISA Infinite card once the application link is available.

Finally found a good browser

Yandex, better than Opera, much better.

  • Can be as indecent as Opera rearrangement (including Android 7.1.1)
  • Can remember all the passwords (yes, no one can not remember)
  • Can use all of Chrome's plug-ins (including Adblock for Youtube!)
In short, the only one I know can completely replace the desktop browser.

The following is what I tried, can not paragraph rewind (text wrap, reflow, auto-fit):
  • Boat
  • Dolphin
  • Next
  • Naked
  • Via
  • Maxthon
  • Flynx
  • Ghostery
  • Lightning
Perhaps also tried more, do not remember. Do not like Firefox, Chrome and UC, this time too lazy to try again